Thursday, 31 December 2015

Happy New Year 2016

Wishing you a Wonderful Happy New Year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come.

Monday, 14 December 2015


Sorting Program using C# 

In this program, just sort the numbers without using any methods..... 

To open the Console application and write the code 
namespace SortingNos 

class Program 

static void Main(string[] args) 

Console.WriteLine("Enter Numbers :"); 
int[] arr = new int[5]; 
string arr1 = ""; 
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) 

arr1 = Console.ReadLine(); 
arr[i] = Convert.ToInt32(arr1); 

int a, b, temp = 0; 
for (a = 0; a < arr.Length; a++) 

for(b=a+1;b< arr.Length;b++) 

if (arr[a] > arr[b]) 

temp = arr[a]; 
arr[a] = arr[b]; 
arr[b] = temp; 



run the program....The sample output is 

Enter Numbers : 

Below are The sorted numbers 


Difference between LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework
  • LINQ to SQL allow you to query and modify SQL Server database by using LINQ syntax. Entity framework is a great ORM shipped by Microsoft which allow you to query and modify RDBMS like SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and MySQL etc. by using LINQ syntax. Today, EF is widely used by each and every .NET application to query to database. The difference between LINQ to SQL and EF is given below.
Entity Framework
It only works with SQL Server Database.
It can works with various databases like Oracle, DB2, MYSQL, SQL Server etc.
It generates a .dbml to maintain the relation
It generates an .edmx files initially. The relation is maintained using 3 different files .csdl, .msl and .ssdl
It has not support for complex type.
It has support for complex type.
It cannot generate database from model.
It can generate database from model.
It allows only one to one mapping between the entity classes and the relational tables /views.
It allows one-to-one, one-to-many & many-to-many mappings between the Entity classes and the relational tables /views
It allows you to query data using DataContext.
It allows you to query data using EntitySQL, ObjectContext, DbContext.
It provides a tightly coupled approach.
It provides a loosely coupled approach. Since its code first approach allow you to use Dependency Injection pattern which make it loosely coupled .
It can be used for rapid application development only with SQL Server.
It can be used for rapid application development with RDBMS like SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and MySQL etc.

Singleton Design Pattern - C#

ngleton pattern falls under Creational Pattern of Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns in .Net. It is pattern is one of the simplest design patterns. This pattern ensures that a class has only one instance. In this article, I would like share what is Singleton pattern and how is it work?

What is Singleton Pattern?

Singleton pattern is one of the simplest design patterns. This pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.

Singleton Pattern - UML Diagram & Implementation

The UML class diagram for the implementation of the Singleton design pattern is given below:
The classes, and objects in the above UML class diagram are as follows:
  1. Singleton

    This is a class which is responsible for creating and maintaining its own unique instance.

C# - Implementation Code

  1. //eager initialization of singleton
  2. public class Singleton
  3. {
  4. private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();
  5. private Singleton() { }
  7. public static Singleton GetInstance
  8. {
  9. get
  10. {
  11. return instance;
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }
  16. ////lazy initialization of singleton
  17. public class Singleton
  18. {
  19. private static Singleton instance = null;
  20. private Singleton() { }
  22. public static Singleton GetInstance
  23. {
  24. get
  25. {
  26. if (instance == null)
  27. instance = new Singleton();
  29. return instance;
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }
  34. ////Thread-safe (Double-checked Locking) initialization of singleton
  35. public class Singleton
  36. {
  37. private static Singleton instance = null;
  38. private Singleton() { }
  39. private static object lockThis = new object();
  41. public static Singleton GetInstance
  42. {
  43. get
  44. {
  45. lock (lockThis)
  46. {
  47. if (instance == null)
  48. instance = new Singleton();
  50. return instance;
  51. }
  52. }
  53. }
  54. }

Singleton Pattern - Example

Who is what?

The classes and objects in the above class diagram can be identified as follows:
  1. Singleton - Singleton class

C# - Sample Code

  1. /// <summary>
  2. /// The 'Singleton' class
  3. /// </summary>
  4. public class Singleton
  5. {
  6. // .NET guarantees thread safety for static initialization
  7. private static Singleton instance = null;
  8. private string Name{get;set;}
  9. private string IP{get;set;}
  10. private Singleton()
  11. {
  12. //To DO: Remove below line
  13. Console.WriteLine("Singleton Intance");
  15. Name = "Server1";
  16. IP = "";
  17. }
  18. // Lock synchronization object
  19. private static object syncLock = new object();
  21. public static Singleton Instance
  22. {
  23. get
  24. {
  25. // Support multithreaded applications through
  26. // 'Double checked locking' pattern which (once
  27. // the instance exists) avoids locking each
  28. // time the method is invoked
  29. lock (syncLock)
  30. {
  31. if (Singleton.instance == null)
  32. Singleton.instance = new Singleton();
  34. return Singleton.instance;
  35. }
  36. }
  37. }
  39. public void Show()
  40. {
  41. Console.WriteLine("Server Information is : Name={0} & IP={1}", IP, Name);
  42. }
  44. }
  46. /// <summary>
  47. /// Singleton Pattern Demo
  48. /// </summary>
  49. ///
  50. class Program
  51. {
  52. static void Main(string[] args)
  53. {
  54. Singleton.Instance.Show();
  55. Singleton.Instance.Show();
  57. Console.ReadKey();
  58. }
  59. }

Singleton Pattern Demo - Output

When to use it?

  1. Exactly one instance of a class is required.
  2. Controlled access to a single object is necessary.

Friday, 11 December 2015


lifecycle in mvc
cdn in mvc
use of controller
what is routing
request flow in mvc
what is ioc in mvc
how to implement Ajax in mvc
Bundling in MVC and what is the use?
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET MVC 4 using Unity IoC Container

Thursday, 10 December 2015


how will you maintain state in mvc
filters in mvc withexplain?

how will you disabled session in particular control
difference between  razor and aspx engine
Partial view in mvc
exception handling in mvc

construcor types
difference between virtual na dnew
difference between  readonly and constent
difference between  interfaces and abstract class
what is  abstract class?
what is a static class with all concepts?
access specifiers?protected and internal
extension method?what is the use
without using static can we do extension method
var key word?
difference between new and virtual?

range validator in
validation controls

diff bwt javascript and jquery
calling ajax methods in javascript

 what is output in javascript
var i=1+2+"3"


indexes in sql
what is temp table and CTE?

Friday, 4 December 2015


Ø  What are the important principles of SOA (Service oriented Architecture)?

Ø  What are ends, contract, address, and bindings?

Ø  Which specifications does WCF follow?

Ø  What are the main components of WCF?

Ø  Explain how Ends, Contract, Address, and Bindings are done in WCF?

Ø  What is a service class?

Ø  What is a service contract, operation contract and Data Contract?

Ø  What are the various ways of hosting a WCF service?

Ø  How do we host a WCF service in IIS?

Ø  What are the advantages of hosting WCF Services in IIS as compared to self-hosting?

Ø  What are the major differences between services and Web services?

Ø  What is the difference WCF and Web services?

Ø  What are different bindings supported by WCF?

Ø  Which are the various programming approaches for WCF?

Ø  What is one-way operation?

Ø  Can you explain duplex contracts in WCF?

Ø  How can we host a service on two different protocols on a single server?

Ø  How can we use MSMQ bindings in WCF?

Can you explain transactions in WCF?
Ø  What different transaction isolation levels provided in WCF?

Ø  Can we do transactions using MSMQ?

Ø  Can we have two-way communications in MSMQ?

Ø  What are Volatile queues?

Ø  What are Dead letter queues?

Ø  What is a poison message?