- Remove duplicate characters in array of elements
- Given word last letter should be capital.
- Closure function
- diff class component, functional component
- Error Handling in React.
- how to give generic exception and display the message
- error boundaris
- what is call back hell function
- what is non blocking io---asyncronous call
- what is stright mode
- Differenec Virtual dom and Real dom.
- react life cycle
- what is promise unchining,promise.all-- promise is asyncronous call
- diff let,var,const
- what is closur function,nested function
- basic ES6 features- let and var,promise,iterator
- How to deploy React application
- React Router types how it works,nested routes
- What is Arrow function,uses
- spread operator
- what is generator
- what is hooks- use memo,use context,use effect
- How redux works
- diff element and component
- how to prevent rerendering-- using pure componentd or use memo
- React application performence.
- synthatic events.
- what is controlled components
- how to set initial state in Redux
- Store in Redux
- How many types are Reducers
- Redux life cycle
- Diff State and props
- what is Data binding
- What is context API
- diff betewen Null and undefined
- typeof(null)
- Event bubling
- Define Json array
- how to detect object like mobile or tab-- using responsiveness media query
- purpose of encoding url
- what is decorater
- copy an object in javascript-- object
- Remove duplicate characters in array of elements
- const uniqueNames = Array.from(new Set(names));
- Given word last letter should be capital.
const cap = str => str .split(' ') .map(x => ( x.length === 1 ? x.toUpperCase() : `${x[0].toUpperCase()}${x.slice(1,-1)}${x[x.length -1].toUpperCase()}`) ) .join(' ') console.log(cap("a quick brown fox"))
- diff class component, functional component
There is no render method used in functional components.
React lifecycle methods (for example, componentDidMount) cannot be used in functional components.It must have the render() method returning HTML
React lifecycle methods can be used inside class components (for example, componentDidMount).