Sunday, 11 October 2015

MVC Interview Questions

                  Ø  Installing ASP.NET MVC
Ø  What mvc version is my mvc application using
Ø  Creating your first mvc application
Ø  Controllers in an mvc application
Ø  Views in an mvc application
Ø  ViewData and ViewBag in mvc
Ø  Models in an mvc application
Ø  Data access in MVC using entity framework
Ø  Generate hyperlinks using actionlink html helper
Ø  Working with multiple tables in mvc
Ø  Using business objects as model in MVC
Ø  Creating a view to insert data
Ø  FormCollection in MVC
Ø  Mapping request data to controller action simple parameter types
Ø  Updatemodel function in MVC
Ø  Difference between updatemodel and tryupdatemodel
Ø  Editing a model in mvc
Ø  Updating data in MVC
Ø  Unintended updates in mvc
Ø  Preventing unintended updates
Ø  Including and excluding properties from model binding using bind attribute
Ø  Including and excluding properties from model binding using interfaces
Ø  Why deleting database records using get request is bad
Ø  Deleting database records using post request in mvc
Ø  Insert update delete in mvc using entity framework
Ø  Customizing the auto-generated index view
Ø  Customizing the autogenerated create view
Ø  Customizing the autogenerated edit view
Ø  Using data transfer object as the model in mvc
Ø  View engines in mvc
Ø  Using custom view engines with mvc
Ø  How does a controller find a view
Ø  Html helpers in MVC
Ø  Generating a dropdownlist control in mvc using HTML helpers
Ø  How to set an item selected when dropdownlist is loaded
Ø  Difference between Html.TextBox and Html.TextBoxFor
Ø  Generating a radiobuttonlist control in mvc using HTML helpers
Ø  CheckBoxList in mvc
Ø  ListBox in mvc
Ø  Using displayname, displayformat, scaffoldcolumn attributes in mvc
Ø  Using datatype & displaycolumn attributes
Ø  Opening a page in new browser window
Ø  Hiddeninput and readonly attributes in mvc
Ø  Display and edit templated helpers
Ø  Customize display and edit templates
Ø  Accessing model metadata from custom templated helpers
Ø  Displaying images in mvc
Ø  Custom html helpers in mvc
Ø  Html encoding in mvc
Ø  Detect errors in views at compile time
Ø  Advantages of using strongly typed views
Ø  Partial views
Ø  Difference between html.partial and html.renderpartial
Ø  T4 templates in mvc
Ø  What is cross site scripting attack
Ø  How to prevent cross site scripting attack
Ø  Razor views in mvc
Ø  Razor views in mvc continued
Ø  Layout view in mvc
Ø  ViewStart in mvc
Ø  Named sections in layout files in mvc
Ø  Implementing search functionality in mvc
Ø  Implement paging in mvc
Ø  Implement sorting in mvc
Ø  Deleting multiple rows
Ø  Check uncheck all checkboxes with another single checkbox using jquery
Ø  Action selectors in mvc
Ø  What is the use of NonAction attribute in mvc
Ø  Action filters in mvc
Ø  Authorize and AllowAnonymous action filters
Ø  ChildActionOnly attribute in mvc
Ø  HandleError attribute
Ø  OutputCache attribute
Ø  CacheProfiles
Ø  RequireHttps attribute
Ø  ValidateInput attribute
Ø  Custom action filters
Ø  Different types of ActionResult in mvc
Ø  Areas
Ø  StringLength attribute
Ø  Range attribute
Ø  Creating custom validation attribute
Ø  RegularExpression attribute
Ø  Compare attribute
Ø  Enable client side validation in mvc
Ø  ValidationSummary
Ø  What is Unobtrusive JavaScript
Ø  Unobtrusive validation in mvc
Ø  Remote validation in mvc
Ø  Remote validation in mvc when javascript is disabled
Ø  Create a custom remote attribute and override IsValid() method
Ø  Ajax with mvc
Ø  What is Ajax and why should we use it
Ø  Providing visual feedback using LoadingElementId AjaxOption
Ø  OnBegin, OnComplete, OnSuccess and OnFailure properties of AjaxOptions class
Ø  LoadingElementDuration property of AjaxOptions class
Ø  Implement autocomplete textbox functionality in mvc
Ø  What is JavaScript minification
Ø  What is CDN - Content Delivery Network
Ø  What if CDN is down

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