Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Getting Hierarchical data

1) Hierarchical Query using a Recursive CTE

The basic syntax structure for a CTE is shown below:


(SELECT EmpIDFirstNameLastName,ManagerID 

FROM Employee



Building a Recursive CTE

    SELECT EmpIDFirstNameLastNameManagerID FROM Employee

    SELECT EmpIDFirstNameLastNameManagerID FROM Employee

    INNER JOIN MyCTE ON Employee.ManagerID MyCTE.EmpID WHERE Employee.ManagerID IS NOT NULL 


Using C#.Net

IList<Employee> GetEmployees(Employee manager)
    var result = new List<Employee>();

    var employees = _employeeDb.Employees
                               .Where(e => e.ManagerEmployeeNumber == manager.EmployeeNumber)

    foreach (var employee in employees)

    return result;

2) What is SOLID?

SOLID are five basic principles whichhelp to create good software architecture. SOLID is an acronym where:-
  • S stands for SRP (Single responsibility principle
  • O stands for OCP (Open closed principle)
  • L stands for LSP (Liskov substitution principle)
  • I stands for ISP ( Interface segregation principle)
  • D stands for DIP ( Dependency inversion principle)
  • S stands for SRP (Single responsibility principle):- A class should take care of only one responsibility.
  • O stands for OCP (Open closed principle):- Extension should be preferred over modification.
  • L stands for LSP (Liskov substitution principle):- A parent class object should be able to refer child objects seamlessly during runtime polymorphism.
  • I stands for ISP (Interface segregation principle):- Client should not be forced to use a interface if it does not need it.
  • D stands for DIP (Dependency inversion principle) :- High level modules should not depend on low level modules but should depend on abstraction.


URL begins with “http://”URL begins with “https://”
It uses port 80 for communicationIt uses port 443 for communication
Operates at Application LayerOperates at Transport Layer
No encryptionEncryption is present
No certificates requiredCertificates require

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