Friday, 17 March 2017

MVC - Model Binding

  • ASP.NET MVC model binding allows you to map HTTP request data with a model. It is the process of creating .NET objects using the data sent by the browser in an HTTP request. The ASP.NET Web Forms developers who are new to ASP.Net MVC are mostly confused how the values from View get converted to the Model class when it reaches the Action method of the Controller class, so this conversion is done by the Model binder.

  • Model binding is a well-designed bridge between the HTTP request and the C# action methods. It makes it easy for developers to work with data on forms (views), because POST and GET is automatically transferred into a data model you specify. ASP.NET MVC uses default binders to complete this behind the scene

  • To understand the model binding in MVC, first let's see how you can get the http request values in the action method using traditional ASP.NET style. The following figure shows how you can get the values from HttpGET and HttpPOST request by using the Request object directly in the action method.

Accessing Request Data
  • As you can see in the above figure, we use the Request.QueryString and Request (Request.Form) object to get the value from HttpGet and HttpPOST request. Accessing request values using the Request object is a cumbersome and time wasting activity.
  • With model binding, MVC framework converts the http request values (from query string or form collection) to action method parameters. These parameters can be of primitive type or complex type.

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