Tuesday, 28 September 2021


  1. What tecnics are using for generating tokens
  2. Which one is faster DBfirst or code first
  3. what is bundle config and CDN
  4. what is application object and session object and differenece
  5. abstarct class and interface
  6. IIS request processing
  7. status codes-403,200,500
  8. what render
  9. web api testing tecnincs
  10. difference web api,wcf.
  11. without using try block how to handle exceptions
  12. verbs in web api
  13. what are contracts
  14. diffbetween service contract and message contract
  15. solid principles
  16. How to Install certificates in IIS
  17. Passport authentication works
  18. Difference between Webservice/WCF
  19. Webapi Token types
  20. Code first/DB first approach Which one better
  21. Where configure endpoints in WCF
  22. Differenec between XML/JSON
  23. Bundle config/CDN which one is better

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